Founder & Principal of Al-Hera Ideal Madrasah

Madrasha Principle

Kabir Ahmed

M.A (Dawrah), Kamil(M.A) in Hadith, Honours in Quranic Science & Islamic studies, M.A in Quranic science & Islamic studies

Al Hera Ideal Madrasah was established on 4th Octber 2019 by Sheikh Kabir Ahmed. It is aspires to impart both academic and religious proficiency to the pupils. Our Madrasah imparts activity-based education for kindergarten and early primary pupils and the globally acclaimed International GCSE is utilized for higher classes. By the marcy of the almighty Allah, we’re successfully stepping into our 5th year and we are ecstatic to proclaim that we have been successfully pursuing the core principles on which Our Madrasah was established. We, at Al Hera Ideal Madrasah primarily focus on moulding students both academically and religiously. We also at the same time don’t stifle the students with study materials beyond what they can bear. The welfare of beloved students and teachers are always our initial priority. We give them sovereignty at the same time we also accentuate on education. We also allow the students to contribute to numerous sporting events to keep them physically fit and also underline the significance of teamwork. Our outstanding teachers and support staff are committed to develop and nurture our student’s faith in Allah, and to prepare them to pass with flying colours with quality education and the ability to share their faith.

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Mohammad Shahnewaz Forkan Al-Amin

Assistant Director & Vice-Principal

Kamil ( M.A) in Hadith, Kamil (M.A) in Tafsir, B.B.A (Accounting), M.B.A (Accounting), B.A (Fazil), LL.B (Professional), Khatib- Kamdor Ali Fukir Shahi Jame masjid, Borohatia, Lohagara, Chattogram

Stepping into the 5th year we feel obliged to follow the same principles for the rest of this Madrasah’s history. Our essential focus is to impart both academic and religious understanding and beliefs and also strengthen our student’s character by imbuing academic and moral excellence.

Our Honorable Advisers

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Professor Dr. Mawlana Sayeed Abu Noman

Ex principal, Baitush Sharaf Ideal Kamil ( M.A) Madrasah

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Dr. Mowlana Mohammad Momatz Uddin Qaderi

Professor, Islamic Studies. University of Chittagong

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Dr. Mohammad Gias Uddin Talukder

Professor, Arabic Depertment. University of Chittagong

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Dr. Mowlana A F M Khaled Hossen

Ex-professor, Omargoni M E S University College

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Professor Dr. Mohammad Mustafa Kamil Madani

Depertment of Islamic studies. International Islamic University Chattogram

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Dr. Mohammad Lutful Rahman Al-Azhari

Assistant Professor, International Islamic University Chattogram.

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Mowlana Ahmedur Rahman Nadwi

Mohaddith, Darul Ulum Alia Madrasah, Chattogram

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Hafiz Mowlana Mohammad Anowarul Hoque Azhari

Senior Imam, Anderkillah shahi jame Mosjid, Chattogram